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Daryl Lim Wei Jie is a poet, editor, translator and literary critic based in Singapore. His first collection of poetry was A Book of Changes (2016). His second collection of poetry, Anything but Human (2021), was a finalist for the 2022 Singapore Literature Prize. He conceptualised and co-edited the celebrated anthologies Food Republic: A Singapore Literary Banquet (2020), which won a Special Award at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2023, and The Second Link: An Anthology of Malaysian and Singaporean Writing (2023).

In 2023, he received the Young Artist Award, Singapore’s highest honour for artists under 35. His poems also won him the Golden Point Award in English Poetry in 2015. Daryl's work has appeared in various publications and periodicals such as Poetry Daily, POETRY magazine, Poetry NorthwestDrunken Boat and Softblow.

Daryl was the editor of the revised edition of The Hidden Papyrus of Hen-taui (Bluback Productions, 2019), by the pioneering and acclaimed Malaysian poet Wong Phui Nam. He has translated the poems of the Singaporean Chinese poet Wang Mun Kiat into English, now published in a bilingual edition, titled Short Tongue (Rosetta Cultures, 2023).

Daryl has been a featured author at literary festivals such as the Singapore Writers Festival and the Shanghai Literary Festival. He has been a writer-in-residence at residencies in Hong Kong and Italy.



Daryl Lim Wei Jie has been engaged as a speaker, moderator and facilitator on various panels, lectures, workshops, festivals and special events. He also writes poetry, non-fiction and criticism for various publications.

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